HomeTerms and conditions UK Terms and Conditions

Kaplan International Pathways UK Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions on this page are for all our UK colleges, except: 

Last updated June 2022. Supplementary Terms and Conditions updated  June 2022 Please see Previous Terms for previous versions of the terms and conditions. 

The following terms and conditions and the Offer Letter, (together the “Terms and Conditions”), set out the contractual relationship between the relevant Kaplan company listed in Schedule 2 and its Students in relation to a Programme. 

Students should ensure that they read the Terms and Conditions carefully before submitting their application to Kaplan and accepting an Offer.  

Students should also note in particular their right to a refund if they cancel their accepted offer within 14 days or in the event their visa is refused as further detailed in section 4 below. 

1. Definitions

Acceptance Form” means the form sent from Kaplan to the Student which the Student uses to confirm their acceptance of the Offer;

Accommodation Agreement” means a contract entered into between a Student and Kaplan for the provision of accommodation to the Student;

Accommodation Fees” means fees, including the Accommodation Payment, payable by the Student to Kaplan for the provision of accommodation pursuant to an Accommodation Agreement;

Accommodation Payment” means a sum specified in the Offer Letter and payable by the Student to secure accommodation in England with Kaplan;

Accommodation Security Deposit” means a sum specified in the Accommodation Agreement and payable by the Student which Kaplan will register with the Deposit Protection Service or My Deposit Scotland and against which any damages not settled in advance of leaving the accommodation will be charged;

Administration Fee” means a fee to cover the administrative costs of processing a Student’s application and includes but is not limited to: assessing academic eligibility and compliance; issuing an Offer Letter and study plan; preparing and issuing confirmation documents including issuing a CAS and providing visa support; sending pre-arrival documents, processing accommodation and arrival bookings; booking other services such an insurance and guardianship; and processing programme changes and deferrals;

Agent” means a third party individual or organisation through which the Student arranges their study with Kaplan;

Airport Transfer Service” means a method of transport arranged by Kaplan to transport the Student between the local airport and their accommodation;

Application” means a formal request from the Student to Kaplan to study on one or more Programmes at a College;

CAS” means a Confirmation of Acceptance for Study;

College” means the institute where the Programme shall be taught (unless it is a Digital Programme);

Confirmed Term” means the Term following the Current Term;

Current Term” means the present Term of the Programme;

Digital Programme” means a Programme provided entirely online by Kaplan;

EduTravel Insurance Policy” means the Kaplan approved insurance policy offered by Endsleigh Insurance as amended from time to time;

Financial Guarantee” means a formal written confirmation from a Sponsor that they will be responsible for part or full payment of any of a Student’s Accommodation, Tuition and/or Other Fees;

GBP” means Great Britain pounds;

Kaplan” means the relevant College and legal entity as stated in the Offer Letter and being one of the Colleges and entities listed in Schedule 2 ;

Kaplan Living Special Support” means extra accommodation support available from 1 January 2021 as an additional service to Students (and mandatory for Under Age Students) who book accommodation at a “Kaplan Living” residence.

Module” means a fixed period of study of a particular subject as determined by the College;

Module Fee” means the full fee expressed to be payable in respect of a particular Module. In the case of Students resitting Modules, Kaplan may, in its sole discretion, offer a more intensive delivery of this Module for such Students. If Kaplan chooses to offer this more intensive delivery model, Kaplan may, in its sole discretion, discount the applicable fee for the relevant Module in this instance;

Offer” means an offer to the Student to study on the relevant Programme;

Offer Letter” means the letter sent to the Student by Kaplan offering the Student a place on a Programme, setting out any relevant conditions to the Offer and offering accommodation (if this has been applied for);

Other Fees” means any fees that are not Administration Fees, Accommodation Fees or Tuition Fees such as book or Airport Transfer Service fees;

Partner University” means the university or universities associated with the College, as advised by Kaplan;

Pathways Extra Internship” means a stand-alone internship available to Students enrolled on a Programme at
Kaplan and provided by Virtual Internship Partners Limited;

Programme” means an English language, academic or other programme (including Digital Programmes) provided by Kaplan;

Refund Fee” has the meaning given to it in section 4.2.3;

Remaining Term” has the meaning given to it in section;

Student(s)” means the individual attending the Programme;

Student Course Cancellation Fee” has the meaning given to it in section 4.1.7;

Sponsor” means an individual or organisation that is responsible for the payment of any or all of the Accommodation, Tuition and/or Other Fees for a Student as set out in the Financial Guarantee;

Sponsored Student” means the Student who receives financial support from a Sponsor for payment of Accommodation, Tuition and/or Other Fees;

Term” means a fixed period of time, as determined by the College, during which the College holds classes;

Tuition Fees” means a sum specified in the Offer Letter, payable by the Student to cover tuition, access to College facilities, enrolment procedures and orientation meetings, use of Information Technology facilities, exam sitting and a Kaplan award on successful completion of the Programme; and

Tuition Fee Deposit” means a sum specified in the Offer Letter, payable by the Student towards his or her Tuition Fees to secure a place on the Programme.

Under Age Students” has the meaning given to it in section 8.6.1.

2. Application and Offer

2.1 Once applicants have selected a Programme, they should complete and submit an application form and send the completed and signed form to the listed Kaplan contact, together with any required documentation detailed in the application form. If the applicant is under eighteen years of age, the applicant’s parent or legal guardian should sign the application form. Details of Programmes, application forms and contact details can be found at www.kaplanpathways.com. Kaplan reserves the right to accept or reject any Application. Kaplan recognises that there may be occasions when applicants would like to find out further information regarding why they have been rejected, or believe that have cause for complaint. See further details for the Admissions appeal and complaints procedure for applicants at www.kaplanpathways.com/complaints/.

2.2 If Kaplan accepts an Application, the Student will receive an Offer contained in an Offer Letter and an Acceptance Form. To accept the Offer, the Student must complete and sign the Acceptance Form and either pay the Tuition Fee Deposit, together with an Administration Fee if specified in the Offer Letter, or submit a Financial Guarantee which relates to Tuition Fees and in value, exceeds the amount of the Tuition Fee Deposit included in the Offer Letter. On Kaplan’s receipt of either the completed and signed Acceptance Form or Tuition Fee Deposit (together with any applicable Administration Fee) or sufficient Financial Guarantee, a legally binding contract incorporating these terms and conditions will come into existence between the Student and Kaplan, which remains conditional on the Student meeting all conditions in the Offer Letter and the Student meeting all immigration requirements as further described in section 2.3 below.

2.3 Details of immigration responsibilities can be found on the UK Visas and Immigration website. A Student is responsible for ensuring he or she fully complies with the immigration laws of the United Kingdom and the conditions of his or her student visa when entering the UK for a Programme of study. In the event that Kaplan reasonably suspects that an Application is not credible and / or that the Student is or will not be a genuine student, Kaplan is entitled to withdraw any Offer which has already been made to the Student and report its suspicion to the UK Home Office.

3. Payment of Fees

3.1 Payment of Fees

3.1.1 Students shall pay the Tuition Fees in full for the first two Terms in advance of arriving at the College or commencing a Digital Programme or on the day of enrolment. Such payments shall be made by online payment, bank transfer or bank draft only. Cash payments are not accepted. Any Tuition Fee Deposit already paid by the Student shall be deducted from such payment.

3.1.2 Students attending a Programme for more than two Terms shall pay for subsequent Terms in accordance with this clause. After payment of the first two Terms is made in accordance with clause 3.1.1 above, payment for a later Term shall be made at the beginning of the previous Term. For example: Tuition Fees for a third Term will be due at the start of the second Term. Tuition Fees for a fourth Term will be due at the beginning of the third Term.

3.1.3 Sponsored Students must submit the Financial Guarantee covering Tuition Fees from their Sponsor before commencing the Programme.

3.1.4 Kaplan reserves the right to charge VAT on Tuition Fees where necessary following a change in law or regulation. In respect of a Digital Programme, Kaplan shall charge any locally applicable taxes relevant to the Student’s place of study.

3.2 Payments after arrival

3.2.1 After the arrival at the College or commencing a Digital Programme, Students may pay any remaining Tuition Fees or Accommodation Fees by online payment, bank transfer, GBP cheque, international credit or debit card or UK debit card. Credit or debit card payments shall be subject to the cardholder presenting photographic identification. Cash payments are not accepted.

3.2.2 For online payments, bank or merchant fees are included in the amount charged.

3.3 Outstanding fees

Students shall not be permitted to commence or continue a Programme at the start of any Term if any Tuition Fees are outstanding. Kaplan reserves the right to suspend or cancel the Student’s participation on the Programme and to charge interest at 3% above the base rate of Barclays Bank plc per month or part thereof on the outstanding balance until such balance is paid in full. Kaplan further reserves the right to withhold any academic results or certificates if any Tuition Fees are outstanding at the end of the Programme.

3.4 Other payment terms

3.4.1 If it becomes necessary for the Student to repeat a Module, the Student shall pay a Module Fee. The cost of a repeat Module is GBP 2,000 per Module except for a Digital Programme which shall be GBP 1,500 per Module.

3.4.2 If a Student, in the reasonable discretion of the College, does not make satisfactory progress in their learning, then the Student may be required by the College to repeat relevant Modules or the Term, as is appropriate in the circumstances, at an additional cost. If repeating Modules from the same Term, the Student shall pay either the total cost of the repeat Modules or the cost of the Term, whichever is the lesser amount. The College has discretion, acting reasonably, as to when the Student may repeat any Modules.

3.4.3 Any discount, scholarship or bursary payment provided to the Student as a reduction on the Tuition Fees by Kaplan shall be discounted from any fees payable for the final Term of the Programme.

3.4.4 Students shall be responsible for purchasing the core learning material to support their studying experience. Kaplan shall provide the Student with the core learning material at the start of each Term on commencement or continuation of the Programme.

3.4.5 Except in relation to a Digital Programme, Students not ordinarily resident in the UK are obliged to maintain adequate accident, medical and travel insurance for the duration of the Programme. Students may either purchase the EduTravel Insurance Policy, details of which can be found at www.kaplanpathways.com/support-for-studying-abroad/health-and-safety/uk-student-insurance/ or from Kaplan, or provide proof of adequate cover from an alternative provider or a Sponsor upon acceptance of the Offer. Students who are ordinarily resident in the UK are not required (although are recommended) to have appropriate insurance.

3.4.6 If a Student wishes to participate in a Pathways Extra Internship, the Student will be required to submit a separate application form and pay the relevant fees directly to Kaplan. Students will only be able to enrol onto a Pathways Extra Internship providing they have no outstanding Tuition Fees, Accommodation Fees or Other Fees overdue to Kaplan. Students will also be required to agree to Virtual Internship Partners Limited terms & conditions in order to enrol onto a Pathways Extra Internship.

3.5 Banking Charges

Students are responsible for covering any applicable bank charges when making payments to Kaplan. Should the Student fail to pay any applicable charges, all such amounts shall be deducted from the Student’s Tuition Fee Deposit.

4. Refunds

4.1 Refunds before enrolment

4.1.1 Right to cancel Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013): If the legally binding contract formed with the Student in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of these terms and conditions is not made in person with the Student at Kaplan’s premises (for example by exchange of e-mails), the Student shall have the right to cancel the contract if the Student gives notice of cancellation to Kaplan within the fourteen calendar day period beginning on the day following the day on which Kaplan first received the Student’s Acceptance Form or the Tuition Fee Deposit or Financial Guarantee. If a Student exercises his or her right to cancel during this fourteen day period, he or she will receive a full refund of all amounts already paid by the Student, including any Administration Fee, less the cost of any services already performed by Kaplan before the end of the fourteen day period. A cancellation form is attached as Schedule 1 to these terms and conditions. Please note that cancellation of any accommodation will remain subject to the cancellation terms contained in the Accommodation Agreement.

4.1.2 Visa refusals: If the Student is unable to meet UK visa entry requirements and has complied with sections 4.1.3 – 4.1.6 below, the Student will be refunded the Tuition Fee Deposit and the Accommodation Payment. Any Administration Fee paid is not refundable in this circumstance.

4.1.3 Students must provide an official refusal letter from the UK immigration authorities to Kaplan to obtain a refund. However, if the visa refusal letter refers to fraudulent, forged or counterfeit documents being submitted as part of the visa application or a visa refusal on the grounds of adverse immigration history not disclosed at the point of an application being submitted to Kaplan, Kaplan reserves the right to refuse a refund of the Tuition Fee Deposit and/or the Accommodation Payment.

4.1.4 All requests for refunds due to visa refusal must be submitted in writing to the Kaplan admissions office together with a copy of the Student’s passport and the visa refusal letter.

4.1.5 To minimize the risk of visa refusal, all Students planning to study in the UK are strongly recommended to follow visa advice offered by education agents or official visa agencies in their home country. Students planning to study in the UK who are not applying through education agents in their country will be offered free visa counselling from a Kaplan Visa Advisor providing they have a CAS issued by Kaplan. However, all students should be aware that the final decision for the grant of any visa is made by the UK Home Office. Accordingly Kaplan does not accept responsibility of any kind for either the counselling offered by the Kaplan Visa Advisor or any decision to reject, defer or otherwise not accept a visa application by the UK Home Office.

4.1.6 In order to be eligible for a refund of their Tuition Fee Deposit or the Accommodation Payment on the grounds of visa refusal, Students must have followed the advice given to them by either a Kaplan Visa Advisor or a visa counsellor from a visa agency in their country. In the case of the latter, Students may be requested to prove to Kaplan’s reasonable satisfaction that they are receiving advice from such a counsellor.

4.1.7 Other than in the circumstances set out at sections 4.1.1 (Right to cancel), 4.1.2 (Visa refusals) or 4.3 (Refunds and Compensation – Student Protection Plan), Administration Fees, Tuition Fee Deposits and the Accommodation Payment are non-refundable prior to enrolment. In circumstances where Kaplan decides to issue a discretionary refund prior to enrolment however, Kaplan will retain any Administration Fee already paid and deduct a fee of GBP 200 (“Student Course Cancellation Fee”) from the refunded amounts. Requests for refunds before enrolment will normally be processed within 4 weeks of receipt by Kaplan of a properly completed form. The Student Course Cancellation Fee reflects the cost of processing the refund.

4.2 Refunds after enrolment

4.2.1 Unless the Student is cancelling in accordance with section 4.1.1 (Right to cancel) or section 4.3 (Refunds and Compensation – Student Protection Plan) applies, once the Student has commenced the Programme, Accommodation Fees, Tuition Fees and Other Fees are all non-refundable, except where: the Student transfers to another recognised UK institution in which case Kaplan shall refund any Tuition Fees (less any amounts for tuition already provided) upon the Student’s provision of documents evidencing an offer for a full time Programme of study; or the Student returns to their home country due to extenuating circumstances as authorised at the College’s discretion in which case Kaplan may at its discretion refund any Accommodation Fees and/or Tuition Fees on receipt of a copy of the Student’s passport or other document proving return to the Student’s home country provided that the Student is not able to recover such amounts under his or her insurance policy; or in respect of Accommodation Fees only, the Student vacates his or her accommodation and Kaplan finds a replacement tenant for such accommodation; or the Student has paid Tuition Fees for a Remaining Term (being any future Term a Student is scheduled to complete which is not a Current or a Confirmed Term) in which case such fees shall be refunded. the Student is studying a Programme with an integrated placement / internship, in which case if the Student withdraws before the placement / internship starts then the Tuition Fees for the term in which the placement / internship occurs will be refunded. the Student is studying on a Digital Programme and cancels within 14 days of the official enrolment date (and not the actual date the Student enrols, if different) for the Digital Programme.

4.2.2 Refunds relating to Accommodation Fees, Tuition Fees or Other Fees that are not subject to the provisions of section 4.2.1 above shall be considered at the College’s discretion. The Student shall submit a written request for such a refund to the College using the prescribed form available upon request from the College within three calendar months from their date of leaving the College. Any requests received at a later date may not be considered.

4.2.3 Requests for refunds after enrolment will normally be processed within 4 weeks of receipt by the College of a properly completed form in accordance with section 4.2.2 above and a fee of GBP 200 (“Refund Fee”) shall be withheld from any refunds in excess of GBP 750 (other than those made in accordance with clause 4.1.1 above (Right to cancel)). The Refund Fee reflects the cost of processing the refund.

4.3 Refunds and Compensation – Student Protection Plan

4.3.1 Kaplan has published a Student Protection Plan which explains how continuation and quality of study will be preserved for current and potential Students should a risk to their continued study arise. The Student Protection plan can be found at: www.kaplanpathways.com/student-protection-plan/

4.3.2 This section 4.3 sets out the circumstances in which Kaplan will refund fees and provide compensation should it be necessary to invoke provisions under the Student Protection Plan where Kaplan is no longer able to preserve continuation of study either for a Student who has already enrolled onto a Programme or for a Student who has accepted a place on a Programme but is yet to enrol.

4.3.3 If Kaplan plans to withdraw a Programme or is forced to terminate a Programme due to unexpected circumstances, Kaplan will consult with any affected Student and will as a minimum: Offer the Student advice and support to help them decide whether or not to transfer to an alternative suitable Programme offered by Kaplan and assist with such transfer if applicable; and Put in place a compensation plan relevant to the circumstances of the particular withdrawal or termination which will include provision for refunds of applicable fees and / or compensation in respect of additional costs reasonably incurred by the Student.

4.3.4 The compensation plan referred to at clause above will seek to ensure that any proposed refunds or compensation returns the Student to the position that they would have been in had the circumstances not occurred. The compensation plan may therefore include appropriate provision for the following, where applicable: Refunds of Tuition Fees (including the Tuition Fee Deposit), Administration Fees and Other Fees; Refunds of any appropriate losses incurred in relation to accommodation or maintenance costs (depending on the student’s individual circumstances); Compensation for additional travel costs incurred by a Student affected by a change in location of the Programme; In exceptional circumstances, compensation may also be paid for additional tuition costs incurred by a Student transferring to another programme or for lost time.

4.4 Other terms applicable to all refunds

4.4.1 Subject to clauses 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 below, all refunds shall be processed in GBP to the originating bank account that the Student or the person paying on the Student’s behalf used to make his or her original payment to Kaplan and Kaplan will not issue a refund to any person other than the original payor.

4.4.2 If the full refund amount is equal to or less than GBP 2000 and the Student holds a UK bank account, Kaplan shall process such refund to the Student’s UK bank account. The amount to be refunded may not be split into smaller amounts to allow a portion to be paid into a UK account.

4.4.3 In respect of refunds to be made after enrolment only, Kaplan may, upon request from the original payor, forward the funds to the Partner University where such funds are owed by the original payor to the Partner University and not to Kaplan.

4.4.4 If a Student wishes to request a refund before enrolment, the Student should contact the relevant Admission Manager or send an e-mail to pathways@kaplan.com. If the Student wishes to request a refund after enrolment, the Student should contact a member of the College services team or send an e-mail to pathwaysukaccounts@kaplan.com.

5. Programme withdrawal

5.1 In the event that the Student withdraws from the Programme, the Student shall notify the relevant College Director (or Kaplan in the case of a Digital Programme) in writing. Notice of withdrawal becomes effective once the College Director receives a copy of the notice.

5.2 In the event that the Student withdraws from the Programme, the Student is no longer eligible to receive a Kaplan certificate of completion.

5.3 If the Student is on a Tier 4 visa and sponsored by Kaplan, Kaplan shall notify the UK Home Office in the event that the Student withdraws or transfers from the Programme.

6. Deferrals

6.1 Once the Student has accepted the Offer, the Student may request to defer the start of the Programme. The Student should send such a request in writing to Kaplan no later than four (4) weeks prior to the Programme start date, setting out the reasons for deferral. Kaplan reserves the right to consider each request on a discretionary basis.

6.2 Students may only request a deferral twice. Should a Student request deferral on more than two occasions, Kaplan reserves the right to forfeit the Student’s Tuition Fee Deposit or enforce the Financial Guarantee.

6.3 Should the Student’s deferral be authorised, the Student may be subject to increased Accommodation Fees, Tuition Fees or Other Fees. Such fees shall be the fees that are notified to the Student as being the Fees which apply to the period in which the Student actually undertakes his or her Programme.

7. Accommodation

7.1 If Students wish to book accommodation with Kaplan, they should complete the relevant section in their Application Form.

7.2 If Kaplan is able to offer accommodation, this will be stated in the Offer Letter and in order to guarantee accommodation with Kaplan the Student should pay the Accommodation Payment when returning the Acceptance Form.

7.3 The Accommodation Payment is non-refundable except in accordance with clauses 4.1.1 (Right to cancel) and 4.1.2 (Visa refusal) and where the accommodation provided does not meet the specifications stated in the Offer Letter.

7.4 Details of the accommodation shall be provided to the Student separately before the Student enters into an Accommodation Agreement.

7.5 Upon the Student entering into the Accommodation Agreement, the relevant amount of the Accommodation Payment which the Student has already paid shall be deemed to be the Accommodation Security Deposit and the remainder of the Accommodation Payment (which is non-refundable except as stated in 7.3) shall be applied towards the first instalment of Accommodation Fees payable by the Student under the Accommodation Agreement.

7.6 The Student shall not be permitted to change the duration of their accommodation once the Accommodation Agreement has been signed unless the duration of their Programme changes.

7.7 Students shall comply with the terms of the Accommodation Agreement including the terms of any code of conduct or other behaviour policies incorporated into the Accommodation Agreement or which apply to the accommodation selected by the Student.

7.8 Students may also order Kaplan Living Special Support when booking accommodation at a “Kaplan Living” residence. An additional fee applies for this service which will be confirmed at the time of booking. Kaplan Living Special Support is mandatory for Under Age Students.

8. College procedure

8.1 College policies and complaints

8.1.1 The Student shall abide by all rules governing the College and the Partner University including but not limited to Electronic Device Student User Agreement the behaviour and accommodation policies and standards which are made available to the Student at enrolment or earlier upon request to the College.

8.1.2 If a Student wishes to provide suggestions, feedback or complaints about Kaplan’s services, a form is available at the following link: www.kaplanpathways.com/feedback.

8.1.3 In addition, if a Student wishes to complain about the delivery or quality of any matters relating to the Programme, the Student should refer to the Complaints Policy which is available from the relevant College or at the following link: www.kaplanpathways.com/complaints/.

8.2 Attendance and absence

8.2.1 The Student shall be expected to attend all classes relating to the Programme. Consequences of non-attendance can result in any disciplinary action including Kaplan and/or the College terminating the Student’s enrolment in the Programme as detailed in the attendance policy of the College made available at enrolment or earlier upon request to the College.

8.2.2 Any classes scheduled to fall on a UK public holiday shall be postponed, and the Student shall not be required to attend classes on such days.

8.2.3 In the event of any period of unauthorised absence from the Programme, the Student shall not be permitted any extension to complete the Programme and shall not be eligible for any refund of Accommodation, Tuition or Other Fees for the period of such absence.

8.2.4 Any time off taken outside of the set Programme vacation breaks shall be noted as periods of absence. Should the Student require time off in extenuating circumstances, the Student shall submit a request in writing to the College.

8.2.5 The College shall report any period of unauthorised absence over ten consecutive days to the UK Home Office.

8.3 Enrolment and late arrivals

8.3.1 The Student shall arrive at the College or start the Digital Programme on the enrolment date detailed in the Offer Letter.

8.3.2 A Student must have a current passport and, in the case of Students from outside the European Union, a valid student visa as set out in the UK Home Office’s immigration policy to complete enrolment. Kaplan will take a copy of the Student’s passport and visa at enrolment as part of the completion of the required enrolment procedures.

8.3.3 Should the Student wish to delay arrival or postpone the enrolment date, the Student may make such a request to Kaplan under clause 6 (Deferrals), which shall be considered at Kaplan’s discretion.

8.4 Programme changes

8.4.1 Other than in extenuating circumstances, and at the absolute discretion of the College, or in accordance with section 4.3 (Refunds and Compensation – Student Protection Plan) above, the Student shall not have the right to change the Programme to another programme of study after having submitted his or her Acceptance Form to Kaplan.

8.4.2 Kaplan and/or the College reserves the right to make minor changes to a Programme or these terms and conditions to reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements or to implement technical adjustments and improvements.

8.5 Academic progression

8.5.1 The Student shall be required to meet all academic, attendance and English language proficiency requirements set by Kaplan and the College in order to progress within the Programme. Details of these requirements are set out in the Offer Letter.

8.5.2 Kaplan may send reports regarding the academic progression, attendance and a student support and/or accommodation summary of undergraduate Students to their parents and / or guardian, Agent and/or Sponsor.

8.5.3 Those Students who do not meet the academic, attendance, English language proficiency requirements set by Kaplan or the College or UK immigration requirements may be removed from the Programme without eligibility for a refund or, at Kaplan or the College’s discretion, may be offered a place on another Programme.

8.5.4 In the event that the Student is due to progress to a Partner University following successful completion of the Programme, a failure by the Student to meet the academic, attendance and/or English language proficiency requirements or a failure to be deemed credible by the Partner University to meet UK immigration requirements shall mean the Student is unable to progress.

8.5.5 If the Student successfully graduates from the College and completes enrolment on a Programme at the Partner University, these terms and conditions will cease to apply to the Student, and the Student will be subject to the Partner University’s terms and conditions and policies.

8.5.6 The relevant Partner University will carry out a tuition fee assessment for the fees which will be applicable to the Student after they progress to the University. The outcome of any final assessment of the applicable University tuition fees may differ from any initial assessment due to changes in a Student’s circumstances or changes in the evidence provided by the Student in support of the University fees assessment.

8.6 Under age Students

8.6.1 Students aged sixteen or seventeen years on the date of College enrolment (“Under Age Students”) are required to live in accommodation approved by either Kaplan or a parent or legal guardian based in the UK and provide custodianship documents and use the Airport Transfer Service.

8.6.2 The College shall provide additional information to the parents or legal guardians of the Under Age Student detailing how the College accommodates Under Age Students. The parent or legal guardian shall sign and return such form to the College as acknowledgement of receipt.

8.6.3 Kaplan Living Special Support and the associated fee is mandatory for Under Age Students booking accommodation at a “Kaplan Living” residence.

8.7 Health declaration

8.7.1 Students must disclose on their Application any mental or physical illness, allergy, disability or condition that may affect their ability to successfully complete their programme, impact the health and wellbeing of other students or staff members, require special accommodation, monitoring, treatment or emergency intervention of any kind during the Programme.

8.7.2 Kaplan reserves the right to reject an Application or terminate the Student’s enrolment in the programme if the Student’s continued participation represents a risk to their health and safety or to the health and safety of others, or if, notwithstanding reasonable accommodations, in the opinion of the College or Partner University, the Student’s physical or mental condition makes the Student unable or unlikely to complete their programme successfully.

8.8 Termination or suspension of studies

Any Student who commits a criminal or civil offence, provides false qualifications or other fraudulent documentation, violates the Student conduct code or College or Partner University policy, has his or her academic performance fall below the requirements of the UK Home Office or fails to pay an amount that he or she is directly or indirectly liable to pay Kaplan in order to undertake the Programme, may have his or her studies terminated or suspended. No refund will be given in these circumstances and if the Student is on a Tier 4 visa and sponsored by Kaplan, Kaplan will inform the UK Home Office that it has terminated or suspended the Student’s enrolment in the Programme.

9. Digital Programmes

9.1 A student will need the following essentials to participate in a Digital Programme:

a. Access to a PC or laptop and webcam;
b. Headset with microphone;
c. Ability to connect to the internet via a broadband connection; and
d. Word processing software, for example Open Office.

9.2 The above list is not exhaustive and a Student may need access to additional equipment and/or software to study a
specific Digital Programme. If this is the case, the Student will be advised of any additional requirements prior to the
start of the Digital Programme.

9.3 A Student’s web browser may have active pop-up blockers to suppress unwanted advertising or be behind a content
blocking device such as a firewall. It may be necessary to reconfigure or disable these. If the Student is attempting to
access Kaplan’s learning platform from work or in a public place, then the Student may have to contact the system
administrator to gain access.

9.4 Computer equipment and internet access costs are not included in the Tuition fees and are the responsibility of the

9.5 If the Digital Programme contains digital content (such as software or an eBook), Kaplan may update or require the
Student to update digital content, provided that the digital content shall always match the original description.

10. Liability

10.1 If Kaplan fails to comply with these terms, it is responsible for loss or damage which the Student suffers that is a foreseeable result of Kaplan breaking this contract or Kaplan failing to use reasonable care and skill, but Kaplan is not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the contract was made, both Kaplan and the Student knew it might happen, for example, if the Student discussed it with Kaplan during the application process.

10.2 Nothing in this agreement shall limit Kaplan’s liability in respect of fraud, death or personal injury resulting from Kaplan’s negligence.

10.3 Kaplan is not liable in cases where Kaplan is unable to fulfil any services because of fire, natural disaster, act of government, failure of suppliers or subcontractors, labour disputes or other reasons which are beyond its reasonable control.

11. Personal Information

Students should consult Kaplan’s Privacy Policy which can be found at www.kaplanpathways.com/privacy/ for information on how Kaplan processes a Student’s personal data.

12. Governing law and jurisdiction

Where the College is situated in England or Wales, these terms are governed by the law of England and Wales and you can bring proceedings in the English or Welsh courts. Where the College is situated in Scotland, these terms are governed by the law of Scotland and you can bring proceedings in the Scottish courts.

13. Statement of Compliance

Kaplan is committed to ensuring compliance with all anti-discrimination, health and safety and all other applicable legislation in its global operations, and for the purposes of these terms and conditions, specifically in its UK operations.


Cancellation Form 

Please complete and return this form only if you wish to cancel your accepted offer in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. 

Alternatively you can e-mail us at pathways@kaplan.com

I hereby give notice that I cancel my contract for the supply of the following service: