HomeComplaint’s procedure

Complaints and appeals procedure

This page provides information on the appeals and complaints procedure for all prospective, existing and former students, from applying to study at your college through to completing your course. 

Please select from the options below to see more details. 

Admissions appeals and complaints procedure for applicants 

Kaplan International Pathways is committed to the provision of high-quality, fair and transparent admissions procedures for all our applicants. We recognise that there may be occasions when applicants would like to find out further information regarding why they have been rejected, or believe that they have cause for complaint. Kaplan International Pathways will work closely with all applicants to find an appropriate study plan, however we reserve the right to reject applicants. 

Kaplan International Pathways will however provide: 

Time frames

For all 3 areas outlined above, Kaplan International Pathways will seek to acknowledge the complaint within 24 hours and provide a first level response within 5 days. 


In the first instance, applicants with a complaint should raise it informally with the Admissions Manager responsible for their application. If this does not produce a satisfactory result, then a formal complaint should be raised using the suggestions, feedback, appeals and complaints form

The complaint will first be considered by a Senior Member of the Admissions and/or Recruitment Team at our Application and Admissions Centre. If it is not resolved at this level the complaint will be considered by the Director of Admissions. A written response will be provided on the outcome of the investigation. 

Applicants taking an International Year One programme may also bring their complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA). Providing the nature of the complaint falls within its remit, the OIA will make a final decision on the resolution of the complaint. More information about the OIA, including what kinds of complaints it considers, can be found at https://www.oiahe.org.uk/media/1859/oia-good-practice-framework.pdf

Kaplan International Pathways is committed to ensuring that all complaints are treated seriously and constructively. In addition, we seek to ensure that they are dealt with promptly, fairly and consistently. 

If a complaint is upheld, Kaplan International Pathways will seek to redress the situation promptly. 

If a complaint is not upheld, the reason for this decision will be communicated to the applicant. 

Kaplan International Pathways will ensure that there will be no discrimination against any applicants making a complaint, and that all complaints will be dealt with confidentially. 

The complaints procedure is reviewed on an annual basis. The outcome of such monitoring may inform future changes in process. 

Complaints procedure: guidelines for current and former students 

Purpose of procedure

This complaints procedure covers the handling of complaints from students and should be followed if you want to complain or express dissatisfaction about the delivery and quality of services received, or about the delivery and quality of teaching, learning support or any other matters relating to your programme of study, or services provided at a Kaplan Pathways college. 

A complaint is different from an academic appeal, which is a formal request, made by a student, that the decision of a Kaplan Assessment Board should be reviewed because it is believed by the student that an injustice has occurred in relation to their assessment. 


Many complaints can be resolved informally. You should speak to a teacher, a member of Student Services, or an appropriate member of staff with whom you feel comfortable, about your complaint. This would be the normal first stage and we hope to resolve your complaint at this point. 

Details of the informal complaints procedure can be found on the College Services page on your college VLE. 


Where you find the issue has not been resolved through informal discussions with a staff member, you should follow the procedures outlined below to raise a formal complaint. At this stage, it will be made clear to you that the complaint is now at a formal level. 

Process for formal complaint 

To raise a complaint, you should complete the online suggestions, feedback, appeals and complaints form with as much information as possible. 

This will be automatically forwarded to the senior team at your college. Your complaint will be considered by the Head of College Services (unless the complaint relates to that individual). They will keep a log at each stage of the complaint, including matters considered and any outcomes. You will also receive a written outcome of the investigation. 

If you are not happy with this outcome, you can ask the College Director to appoint someone, who is not involved in the matter, to carry out a second independent investigation. This person will look objectively at your complaint and will let you know the outcome. 

Staff investigating a complaint will be unbiased, act in good faith, and take into account relevant considerations and extenuating circumstances. 

Individual privacy and confidentiality will be respected. Students are also asked to also keep a level of confidentiality while their complaint is being processed. 

Complaints will be dealt with in accordance with Kaplan’s equality policies. 

While you are studying at a Kaplan Pathways college, complaints should go to college not university staff, even if you are studying and living on the university campus. Whatever the nature of your complaint, the university staff will always refer this back to the Head of College Services and/or College Director to consider and discuss the complaint. It is the college’s responsibility to resolve a complaint while you are studying there. 

If you still remain unhappy with the outcome of your complaint at the college, you can appeal again to the Director of UK Colleges. Your College Director will provide you with contact details. 


To enable complaints to be investigated effectively, it is essential that you raise the issue within a maximum of one month of the issue arising. 

Your college will attempt to deal with any complaints as quickly as possible, and although some may take longer to resolve than others, a first level of response will be provided within 5 days of receiving the complaint. You will be given regular updates if further investigation is needed; however, timescales may vary where complexities arise. Your Kaplan Pathways college will keep you updated regarding the progress of your complaint. 

Appeals procedure: guidelines for prospective students

The Admissions Appeals policy provides information to applicants about how they can appeal a decision made by Kaplan International Pathways Admissions. While we always endeavour to make our decision-making process transparent and fair, we are willing to provide applicants with an opportunity to challenge a decision on certain occasions.

Scope of the policy

The Admissions Appeals policy is applicable to all students applying to study in the UK, US or Canada through Kaplan International Pathways. The Admissions policy only covers the period before student enrolment; once a student has enrolled, this appeal policy is no longer applicable. Enrolled students’ complaints and appeals should be referred to Head of College Services.


An appeal as defined as an evidence-based request for a review and potential reconsideration of the outcome of an admissions decision.

Grounds for appeals

An applicant may appeal on one or more of the following grounds:

  1. Applicant believes a procedural error has occurred, leading to a misguided decision;
  2. Applicant can demonstrate evidence of prejudice or bias in the decision-making process.

An appeal will not be considered by Kaplan International Pathways on the following occasions:

Appeals process

Informal appeal

Many appeals can be resolved informally; please speak to the relevant Admissions Officer and provide the explanation as to why you believe the decision should be reviewed. This would be the normal first stage and we hope to resolve your appeal at this point. 

Formal appeal

If you wish to formally appeal a decision and have gathered supporting evidence, you should submit a form using the link here.

Once an appeal is received, it will be reviewed by the Head of Admissions and Student Experience or their representative. Please note that whilst the appeal will be considered by a member of Senior Management, the original Admissions Officer may be contacted to gather further information on the application. Please note you may also be contacted to submit further evidence.


To enable appeals to be investigated effectively, it is essential that appeals are raised within a maximum of one month of an admissions decision being communicated. Appeals received after this first month may not be considered.

Kaplan International Pathways will seek to acknowledge the appeal within 24 hours and provide a first level response within 5 days. 

Further information 

If you are unsure of any part of the process, or want to seek help or guidance, you should contact your teacher, College Services or the Head of College Services to discuss.