HomeBlog Spotlight Career Focus: How ASU can help you patent an invention
How ASU can help you patent an inventionHow ASU can help you patent an invention

Career Focus: How ASU can help you patent an invention

Are you always thinking of new and creative solutions to the problems you see around you? Then studying abroad at Arizona State University (ASU) could open the door for you and help you bring your ideas to life. If you would love to patent an invention one day and make an impact on the world, then read on to see how ASU can help you.

What is a patent?

First things first: what is a patent? A patent is a government grant giving certain property rights to an inventor, including the right for the inventor to exclude others from making, using or selling the invention for a limited time, usually 20 years. Patents are legally considered “intellectual property.”
So, if you think of an idea or invent a new technology or process, you can request a patent. If you receive it, you can potentially enjoy great return on investment thanks to the commercialization of your invention.

How can ASU help you patent an invention?

ASU is in the top 10 for US patents issued to US universities for the 4th consecutive year — and 11th worldwide — according to Forbes.

To put this ranking into context, in 2021, ASU was issued 153 US patents, a total that puts the University just one spot behind Harvard. Other universities in the top 10 in the US include MIT, Stanford and Caltech.

“These patents represent the hard work of ASU’s elite research faculty, their dedication to tackle and solve society’s biggest problems and the success they are having in that mission” — Dr. Sally Morton, Executive Vice President of ASU’s Knowledge Enterprise

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Given ASU’s reputation for innovation, it’s no surprise that its intellectual community is among the best in the world when it comes to patents. Indeed, the University is consistently #1 in the US for innovation (U.S. News & World Report , 9 years, 2016–2024).
Innovation is a philosophy that runs through every aspect of life at ASU. The ASU community often asks: how can things be better? How can we work together to find the answers? As an ASU student, you will be challenged to think critically and collaborate with others to push boundaries and dream big. It really is the perfect place to develop your ideas and patent an invention.

How it works

ASU works with Skysong Innovations, an exclusive technology transfer and intellectual property management organization, to commercialize innovations created by ASU researchers.
By working with Skysong Innovation’s team of business, technology and legal experts, ASU faculty, postdoctoral students and staff can patent an invention, and protect and market their intellectual property.

What kinds of patents have been issued?

With 153 US patents issued to ASU in 2021, there are a lot of examples of forward-thinking inventions to share, but here is one that stands out.
ASU graduate Cody Friesen created SOURCE Global, which develops and manufactures Hydropanels that create drinking water from sunlight and air.
Friesen and his collaborators were named inventors on an ASU patent exclusively licensed to SOURCE for a method of efficiently extracting water vapor from atmospheric air. By pulling water from the air, problems associated with drought, or diminished water supplies, can be resolved.

The company raised $50 million in its latest investment round and has been named in Fast Company’s list of most innovative social-good companies.
So, it goes to show that the innovative academic environment at ASU can help you patent an invention that could protect our planet. Of course, the impact you could have doesn’t stop at sustainable initiatives — the possibilities are almost endless. At ASU, you can bring your ideas to life.

Patent an invention at ASU

Feeling inspired to come up with the world’s next great invention? We can help you apply to a degree at ASU and become part of its community of innovators. Just get in touch and we’ll be happy to discuss your study options.

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